27 Miles: 6:00AM
21 Miles: 6:30AM
17 Miles: 7:30AM
10 Miles: 8:30AM
Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your departure time to allow plenty of time for parking, registration check-in, bib pick-up, gear organizing and loading the shuttle. See above for specific shuttle departure times.
If you provide your own transportation to the starting locations you are responsible for your car and transportation to your car after you are finished. Parking at E. Palkie Road, Beck's Road, Magney-Snively and Highland/Getchell trailheads are limited. We are not responsible for towed vehicles. Please park respectfully.
We strongly encourage you to ride the bus to the start points. If you are interested in meeting the bus at the start location, please plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to estimated start time. All participants who are providing their own transportation to the 27 mile, 21 mile and 17 mile starting point, please wait for the bus to arrive, check-in and start at official start time.
10 mile participants please wait for the buses to arrive and the official start before heading out on the trail. 10 miler participants do not need to check in prior to loading the bus or before heading down the trail after the official start.
Bibs are required for all participants. If you plan to drive or get dropped off at the trailhead, please pick up your bib on Friday.
27 Mile - Palkie Road Trailhead - 6:30AM
21 Mile - Beck's Road and Munger Trail - 6:50AM
17 Mile - Magney Snively - 7:50AM
10 Mile- Cody Street and 66th Ave W - 8:45AM
FREE all day in the Fitger’s Ramp, located off Superior Street. Please be courteous to daily patrons of the complex and park farthest away from the entry doors. Parking is also available at 1st parking ramp located on 1st Street between 3rd and 4th Ave, behind the Sheraton. Parking is also available at meters along Superior Street. Meters in this are a not enforced on weekends.
Participants in the 27, 21, 17 and 10 miler have the opportunity to use drop bags. There will be bins labeled with each aid station number and location. All gear must be placed in a bag and labeled with name and rest stop number. Bags, markers and tape will be available Friday night and Saturday morning. White trash bags and ziplock bags will be provided for use. Blue trash bags will be provided for 27 mile participants. Personal bags, properly marked, are allowed. The bus will also have a drop box to discard clothing, mugs, water bottles, or last minute unwanted items.
We will try our best to have the bags back at Fitger's before you finish. All bags will be returned by 5:30PM.
The start time for each distance will be based on the arrival of the bus and the official start proclaimed by the Grand Traverse official for the 27, 21,17 and 10 mile. Your finish time will be recorded by timing chip. We do not provide tracking of our participants. If you are driving to the trailhead, please wait for the bus to start.
Our team will do our best to offer a safe and fun event. Hand sanitizer will be available at all rest stops. All water and drink coolers high touch spots will be regularly sanitized.
Current Policy:
Four aid stations are located on the course. Each aid station has water, sports drink and food. Each aid station will provide disposable cups, if needed, for participants.
#1 Aid Station - 21 Miles to go
#2 Aid Station -15 Miles to go
#3 Aid Station - 10 Miles to go
#4 Aid Station - 4 Miles to go
All participants will be check-in by Grand Traverse staff at each rest stop. Please have bibs visibly displayed.
Aid Stations will provided the following items:
Sports Drink - Gatorade
Clif Bars
Gels and Gu’s
Granola bars
Donut Holes
Halloween Candy
Porto potties are available at aid Station #1, #2, #3 and #4.
Bonus aid station at Traverse Duluth. This aid station is located one mile before aid station #3. This aid station will not have drop bag. The Traverse Duluth aid station will have drink, food and a porto potty.
Follow only the BLUE Superior Hiking Trail blazes and SHT markers for "Main Trail". Spur or Loop Trails are marked with White Blazes. If you find yourself not seeing Blue Blazes, backtrack until you see Blue Blazes. Always head up the shore or East to Downtown Duluth.
The Finish of the Grand Traverse 20245 will be at Fitger's. Follow the finisher signs to Fitger's Courtyard....up the stairs to the finish line!
All finishers received a 2025 Grand Traverse Dry-Zone t-shirt, men’s and women’s styles.
Grand Traverse 2025 - Saturday, October 4th
This event is chipped timed and results will be available as soon as the first finisher crosses the line.
All those completing the Grand Traverse 27 mile receive a finishers rock. What a Rock? It is tradition that those finishing the 27 mile Grand Traverse receive a rock created by a Minnesota artist. Rocks are awarded at the finish line.
Safety is important because of the rugged nature of the Superior Hiking Trail. Each aid station is also a check in spot for hikers/runners. We do this to ensure participants are progressing in a timely manner and to ensure no one is lost. Each station is stocked with everything you need for minor bumps, bruises, pain medication and of course blisters. We also will have a sweeper and first aid officials hiking along the course to ensure safety.
If you have decided to pull out of the event and you are not at a rest stop, and have arranged for someone to pick you up.....please call the event coordinator. This simple action will prevent a search party being sent out to find you. Thank you.
We love dogs. However, please leave your dog at home. The Grand Traverse is for the owner.
Participants who are doing the longer treks are expected to maintain a 3 mile pace throughout the course. If a participant has not arrived at an Aid Station prior to the cutoff times the aid station will not close until contact has been made. The participant will be given the option to be shuttled to the finish located at Fitger's or shuttled ahead on the course.
Aid Station #1 at 21 Miles 10 AM
Aid Station #2 at 15 Miles 12:30PM
Aid Station #3 at 10 Miles 2:30PM
Aid Station #4 at 4.1 Miles 4:30PM
We are so excited to start and finish at Fitger's. Parking, restrooms, and more! Yellow Bicycle Coffee will be open at 7AM on event morning. Trailfitters will be open at 9AM. Come join us in the courtyard and watch finishers achieve their goals all day long.
The 10 Mile start will be next to Traverse Duluth - Located at 66th Ave W. and Cody Street. The first mile is up, up, and up!
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